The Cast of "Much Ado" Presents "Quit Playing Games"

Well, we’ve closed the books on our summer 2021 production of “Much Ado About Nothing” and it was one for the ages. We started virtual rehearsals back in April on Zoom and by closing night we had achieved something we’ve never done before - six performances held outside using the beautiful grounds of the All Saints’ Memorial Church as our stunning backdrop. The cast truly bonded in such a special way and after the long moratorium on theater performances, coming together in-person and performing Shakespeare without any restrictions was such a blessing.

We appreciate all the support we’ve received from our awesome patrons and it was great to see new faces both in the audience and up on stage. Through this experience we’ve fostered great partnerships that we know will last a long time. Please enjoy this video put together by our amazing cast. If this doesn’t entice you to audition for an SCP production, we don’t know what will! Stay tuned for more from SCP in the coming months as we prepare for our October production of Little Women, The Musical.