Meet the cast of “Much Ado About Nothing”!

Each day this week you will be introduced to the members of our stellar cast of “Much Ado About Nothing”. We are so excited for you to meet them! Today we’re starting with Faith, Justin, Sean, and Liz! Special thanks to the incomparable Jason Lange for these awesome photos.

Faith (Dogberry) is excited about everything. As a recent graduate of Trinity Hall, she plans to attend West Virginia University to pursue a BFA in Acting and minor in Creative Writing. Her favorite credits include Wadsworth in Clue and Miss. Blake in Bluestockings both with The Queens Court Company at Trinity Hall. Additionally she was involved with The Stone Church Players virtual production of The Tempest last year. She wants to thank Michael and the Stone Church Players for this amazing opportunity (in her favorite Shakespeare show!) and wants to send all the love to her family and friends.

Justin (Messenger/Borachio) is a long-time actor and a Mater Dei Prep alumnus that is proud to be in his second Stone Church Players production, his first one being A Midsummer Night's Dream as Demetrius. He would like to thank Michael for giving him this opportunity to perform, as well as his fellow actors and the whole crew for coming together to make this show happen.

Sean (Balthasar/Verges/Friar Francis) is excited to be performing in his fourth production with the Stone Church Players! His previous roles include Puck in “A Midsummer Night's Dream”, Gremio in “Taming of the Shrew”, and most recently Fredinand in “The Tempest”. He would like to thank his family for their support, and Micheal McClellan for the opportunity!⁣

Liz (Beatrice) is thrilled to be joining The Stone Church Players for her second production- and in one of her dream roles no less! Liz was previously seen as Ariel in The Tempest with Stone Church. Other past credits include Becca (Rabbit Hole), Desdemona (Othello), Lavinia (Titus Andronicus), and more. Liz also has a passion for new work development, and has served as dramaturg, director, and actor on many new plays- most recently making her NYC directorial debut at The Hudson Guild in Faith and Shackles by playwright and friend Justin Giachetti. During the pandemic, Liz pivoted from her pursuit of a professional acting career to becoming a certified Self-Love Coach and energy healer, creating her own wellness business Wild Woman Rising and largely working with fellow actors and artists in navigating self-care during the shutdown. She is so thankful to Michael and The Stone Church Players for giving this cast a space to play and create, and is excited to be bringing theatre back into her life.