First Look at Rehearsals for Bridges of Madison County!

Good Saturday to you all!

We had our first read for ‘Bridges’ last Monday, and it was an absolute gift to watch our 10 talented cast members bring to life their characters for the first time! It was an inspiring table to be gathered around watching everyone laugh and relax as they realized that we are a big team creating this story together. Every single person in that room left with a smile on their face and new friendships made. We asked the cast a few questions after the read, so scroll down to see their answers! Be sure to stay tuned here and on our social media for fun clips, chats with the cast, and more!

Felicia Russell (Marian): Thoughts on the first read?

The first read was whimsical. It was wonderful being able to come together as a group for the first time and hear just the beginning of what will surely be something amazing.

Alex Dubinsky (Robert): First time tackling Robert, how was it?

I knew it was going to be a lot, and I was right and more. This is by far the most challenging part I’ve ever played, both in terms of acting and vocals. I’m super excited and I’m so, so ready for this incredible show.

Lindsay Abbot (Francesca): What are you most excited to start with the rehearsal process?

There is so much to be excited about. This is an exceptional cast and team. I’m really looking forward to singing this amazing score. I love all the songs so much it’s hard to pick a favorite. I’m also itching to dive deep into the character of Francesca and I can’t wait to work with Michael and Jesse and learn from them.

Tori Dillon (Carolyn) & Brian Smith (Michael): Michael and Carolyn have such a fun dynamic, what’s something you look forward to staging for this duo?

Tori: The phone calls and - Brian: the teasing. Both: The siblings do fight but then how they support each other in the end. #siblinggrowth

Elliot Maher (ensemble) & Amanda Mason (ensemble): As a two-person ensemble, what character from the first read do you think you’re most excited to develop?

Amanda: I’m most excited to develop Chiara. I can’t wait to work on portraying a character who doesn’t speak, but yet has an intense impact on the choices Francesca makes.

Elliot: Paolo seems like he’ll be fun to play, but also I am also excited to do the radio announcer voice. It will also be fun to just live as an Iowan.

John Paul Durazzo (Bud): Your first experience at an SCP read thru and jumping back into theatre after a few years hiatus, what was your first thought at the conclusion of it?

John: Definitely a great feeling overall, such a talented cast of people in this show! I was a bit intimidated at first, and chose not to sing any of my songs right away.

For the longest time, I had always done some kind of theatre in my life, and with not having it in my life for 9 years you feel as though something is missing. It felt so good to be able to get into it once again, as if I was meant to do it.

Over the course of the last 9 years, I tried choruses and such, but I never found them to be truly fulfilling for me. There’s nothing like a good show and a good character to play that helps bring that old spirit out of you. It’s a great feeling!

Patrick Comey (Charlie) & Lauren Friedman (Marge): Marge and Charlie are often considered the comedic relief in this show and you absolutely had us all laughing on Monday. What was your favorite moment with each other from the read?

Lauren: I just love the scene where I ask Charlie if he would throw me out if I cheated on him.

Patrick: I agree with Lauren. Charlie tries to avoid the topic and then lays out a perfect plan. He seems at a loss and defenseless for once and then reaffirms his love for Marge and, as always, turns to cake/pie. That or Lauren’s song.