Prospero – (Male 30-60) The play’s protagonist and Miranda’s father. Twelve years before the events of the play, Prospero was a Duke. His brother (or wife) Antonio/a, in concert with Alonso, a neighboring King, usurped him, forcing him to flee in a boat with his daughter. Prospero has spent his twelve years on the island refining the magic that gives him the power he needs to punish and reconcile with his enemies. The actor playing Prospero will also portray the Boatswain.
Miranda – (Female 15-25) Prospero’s daughter, whom he brought with him the island when she was still a small child. Miranda has never seen any other men other than her father and Caliban. Because she has been sealed off from the world for so long, her perceptions of other people tend to be naïve and non-judgmental. She is compassionate and generous, and loyal to her father. Hers is the only hand that can calm his internal storms.
Ariel – (Male/Female 15-25) Prospero’s spirit helper, a powerful supernatural being whom Prospero controls completely. Rescued by Prospero from a long imprisonment (within a tree) at the hands of the witch Sycorax, Ariel is Prospero’s servant until Prospero decided to release him. Ariel carries out every task Prospero needs accomplished in the play.
Caliban – (Male 15-40) Another of Prospero’s servants. Caliban, the son of the now-deceased witch Sycorax, acquainted Prospero with the island when Prospero arrived. Caliban believes that the island rightfully belongs to him and the Prospero stole it. His physicality reflects a hidden life on the island. Uncomfortable in the body he was given, he slinks and hisses through his physical pain and the constant journeys of his powerful mind.
Ferdinand – (Male 15-25) Son and heir of Alonso the King. Ferdinand seems in some ways to be as pure and naïve as Miranda. He was brought up to be Prince Charming. He struggles with his emerging independent soul as he falls in love with Miranda at first site and strives to win Prospero’s approval.
Alonso – (Male 30-60) The present King and father of Ferdinand. He was part of the unseating of Prospero as Duke twelve years ago. Over the course of the play, Alonso comes to regret his past actions and desires a reconciliation with Prospero.
Antonio/a - (Male/Female 30-60) Prospero’s thoroughly wicked brother (or wife) who betrayed Prospero’s trust and stole his dukedom before the play begins. Once on the island, Antonio/a wastes no time demonstrating that he/she is still power hungry and murderous, persuading Sebastian to help him/her to kill King Alonso.
Sebastian – (Male 25-60) King Alonso’s brother. Like Antonio/a, Sebastian is wicked and underhanded. Antonio/a easily persuades him to agree to kill Alonso.
Gonzalo/a – (Male/Female 30-60) A Sage/Truthsayer/Advisor with a good heart who helped Prospero and Miranda to escape and survive after Prospero was banished. During the play, Gonzalo/a attempts to cheer up Alonso, maintaining an optimistic attitude and remaining unfazed by the taunts of Antonio/a and Sebastian.
Trinculo and Stefano – (Male/Female 15-60) The two comic members of the shipwrecked party. Trinculo, a jester, and Stefano, a drunken butler, provide a comic foil to the other more powerful pairs of Prospero and Alonso and Antonio/a and Sebastian. Their lines are full of drunken boasting and petty greed as they conspire with Caliban to overthrow Prospero.