Stone Church Players encourages actors of all race, ethnicities, identities, and body types to audition. We are looking to cast actors aged 15 and up.
Character Breakdowns
John Proctor: A local farmer who lives outside of town and is married to Elizabeth Proctor. Has an affair with Abigail Williams. Stern, harsh-tongued, and hates hypocrisy. Worries about his good name being ruined.
Abigail Williams: Reverend Parris’s niece. Has an affair with John Proctor. Abigail is smart, wily, a good liar, and vindictive when crossed.
Reverend John Hale: A young minister reputed to be an expert on witchcraft and a committed Christian. He is called in to Salem to examine Parris’s daughter Betty. Later tries to save the lives of the accused.
Elizabeth Proctor: John Proctor’s wife. She is supremely virtuous. Accused of witchcraft.
Reverend Parris: The minister of Salem’s church. He is a paranoid and power-hungry figure that worries about building his position in the town.
Rebecca Nurse: Francis Nurse’s wife. She is a wise, sensible, and upright woman, held in tremendous regard by most of the Salem community.
Francis Nurse: A wealthy, influential man in Salem. Nurse is well respected by most people in Salem.
Judge Danforth: The deputy governor of Massachusetts and the presiding judge at the witch trials. Honest and scrupu-lous, at least in his own mind, Danforth is convinced that he is doing right in rooting out witchcraft.
Giles Corey: An elderly but feisty farmer in Salem, famous for his tendency to file lawsuits.
Thomas Putnam: A wealthy, influential citizen of Salem, Putnam holds a grudge against Francis Nurse.
Ann Putnam: Thomas Putnam’s wife. She has given birth to eight children, but only Ruth survived. The other seven died and Ann is convinced that they were murdered by supernatural means.
Ruth Putnam: The Putnams only remaining child. She falls into a strange stupor after she is caught dancing in the woods.
Betty Parris: Reverend Parris’s ten-year-old daughter. Betty falls into a strange stupor after Parris catches her and the other girls dancing in the forest with Tituba. Her illness and that of Ruth Putnam fuel the first rumors of witchcraft.
Tituba: Reverend Parris’ slave. She agrees to perform voodoo at Abigail’s request.
*We are seeking a non-white actress for this role
Mary Warren: The servant in the Proctor household and a member of Abigail’s group of girls.