Audition Requirements:
Please prepare two songs (32 bar cuts) - one from the Last Five Years' score and one in the style of the show/character that interests you. Your second selection should be a song from a contemporary musical that is NOT part of the JRB canon.
An accompanist will be provided. Audition candidates should bring clearly marked sheet music in the correct key (you are not required to bring sheet music for your Last Five Years selection), a theatrical resume (and a headshot if you have one), along with a knowledge of all upcoming potential rehearsal conflicts.
Rehearsal Schedule:
Rehearsals will begin on Monday, 8/28.
Mondays - 7:00-10:00 pm
Tuesdays - 7:00-10:00 pm
Thursdays - 7:00-10:00 pm
**Tech week starts Monday, October 9th.
Show Dates:
10/13 & 10/14 @ 8 pm
10/15 @ 2 pm
Doors will open 30 minutes prior to curtain.
Production Team:
Producer - Lindsay Abbot
Director - Jesse Luciani
Musical Director - Kara Leigh
Assistant Director - Lizzy Stefanic
Stage Manager - Felicia Russell
Set Design/Construction - Darren DeAngelo
From MTI: An emotionally powerful and intimate musical about two New Yorkers in their twenties who fall in and out of love over the course of five years, the show's unconventional structure consists of Cathy, the woman, telling her story backwards while Jamie, the man, tells his story chronologically; the two characters only meet once, at their wedding in the middle of the show.
Character Breakdowns:
*Both roles are open and SCP encourages actors of all race, ethnicities, identities, and body types to audition
Catherine Hiatt: Female-identifying; Age 25-35. Character arcs from an ambitious, fresh-faced girl in a new relationship to a woman stunned by a betrayal and a divorce that she is only beginning to understand.
Jamie Wellerstein: Male-identifying; Age 25-35. Character arcs from an ambitious guy on a promising first date with a dazzling career to someone who is blinded by success and ego. He is very lovable, yet makes unintentional choices that sabotage his own happiness.
Covid-19 Response:
SCP is no longer requiring proof of vaccination but this is subject to change for future productions at our discretion.